Za neznalice, call je bio sideline infraction. Debela glava Mekarti ili neko sa klupe je uleteo u teren i poceo da place za Cobb-ov FC.
I dajte molim vas, sta su sada sudije zajebale?!
Pack 6-55
ATL 5-44
Na obe strane je bilo holdinga koje sudije nisu svirale
Cobb a.k.a. oce piski-necepiski, je prekasno zatrazio FC a i gunneri su se potrudili da se izmaknu...
A homic Rodzika koji "tuce mrtvog konja" i prica kako su Falconsi govorili lose stvari posle spankovanja u PO prosle sezone
lik je zesca dijabola...
Neverovatni ste vi sektasi, Pack pobedi fair and square i izmisljate neke gluposti kako su sudije navlacile.
Ne bi previše o sudijama, ali slažem se s igračima GB pošto sam to vidio na sličan način:
Packers not very happy with Falcons after victoryAtlanta - The strongest words came from NT B.J. Raji, but a number of players were not pleased with the way the Atlanta Falcons played Sunday.
Several players complained of hits after the whistle and low blocks late.
"It’s unnecessary,” defensive end Ryan Pickett said. “They call it playing physical. But it’s after the whistle. It’s not physical. We know it watching tape that you they like to hit after the whistle. You have to watching yourself around the piles.
"They point at you if you react. We just felt like if we just punch them upfront at the start it would end that. It’s frustrating to a point, but we know we have to dominate them upfront inbetween that stuff.”
LB A.J. Hawk said that his reaction that led to an unnecessary roughness penalty came when he got pushed in the back after the whistle. He said he turned around to confront the offender and “the guy went to the ground.”
“I’m not that strong,” Hawk said. “I wish I was strong enough to do that.”
Raji was the sharpest critic.
"Great teams don't indulge in the kind of cheap stuff the Falcons do," Raji said. "We're the champions and we play that way. We walk away from the stuff they pull. These guys are coached to play after the whistle.
"I don't know what the deal is. I think it's a lack of talent on their part. We didn't worry about any of that. We came out and played our game."