Zelim da se odvoji price o FA periodu od ostalih NFL novosti, tako da smatram da je dobro da postoji poseban topic za nadolazecu "pijacu". Ista obecava da ce biti veoma zanimljiva jer ce brdo dobrih igraca postati (ili su vec postali) FAs, tako da cemo videti kako ce se stvari odvijati i ko ce resiti da odresi kesu. Mada, pouceni iskustvom Eagles-a, mozda timovi budu obazriviji.
Free Agency pocinje 13. marta. Gde saznati sta se desava?1.
Profootballtalk (veoma brzo izbacuju vesti, ne ganjaju u potpunosti proverene informacije, daju saljive komentare i u svojim tekstovima imaju linkove ka prethodnim vestima koje su u vezi sa odredjenim igracem, trenerom, timom...)
Rotoworld (jasno, brzo, detaljno, precizno - odlican sajt ukoliko sto pre zelite da saznate sta se desava sa igracem, trenerom, odnosnom timom koji vas zanima)
KFFL (kratke i brze vesti, bez mnogo analiza i sirenja price, jako dobro update-ovan sajt)
Twitter - ko ima nalog (a i ko nema) moze da prati likove poput
Adam-a Schefter-a (ESPN) ili
Jason-a la Canfora-e (NFL). Njih dvojica vise po ceo dan na Twitter-u i redovno objavljuju najvaznije vesti.
5. Lokalni sajtovi koji prate timove su cesto najbrzi izvor informacija. Za njih rade novinari koji su bliski sa timovima i umeju prvi da dodju do odredjene informacije, pa pogledajte na netu koji su to lokalni sajtovi koji prate vas tim (npr. Inside Bay Area prati desavanja u Oakland-u i San Francisco-u)
*NOVO* Pro Football Focus je jos jedan izvor informacija i ima lepo sredjenu listu svih FA igraca. Bice korisno koristiti i ovaj sajt.
7. Pratite nas forum
Pravila o "slobodnim igracima" (Free Agents)Restricted free agents - [RFA]
Restricted free agents are players who have
three or more accrued seasons of service and whose contracts have expired. RFAs have received qualifying offers from their old clubs and are free to negotiate with any club until a deadline which occurs approximately a week prior to the NFL Draft, at which time their rights revert to their original club. If a player accepts an offer from a new club, the old club will have the right to match the offer and retain the player. If the old club elects not to match the offer, it may receive draft-choice compensation depending on the level of the qualifying offer made to the player.
If a player does not receive an offer sheet from his original team, he becomes an unrestricted free agent.
Each player that signs a
tender receives the one-year salary that corresponds to the tender level. Teams which choose not to match an offer on a player with a low tender receive a draft pick corresponding to the round in which the player was originally drafted (except that the highest pick that can be surrendered for such a tender is a second-round pick). For example, a player who was originally drafted in the sixth round of the NFL Draft would force the team signing him to give his former team a sixth-round pick in the upcoming draft as compensation for his service. No compensation is required for an undrafted player on the lowest tender amount, so teams with valued undrafted RFAs are taking a notable risk by offering such tenders.
Unrestricted free agents - [UFA]
Unrestricted free agents are players who have completed
four or more accrued seasons of service and whose contracts have expired.
They are free to sign with any franchise.
Exclusive rights free agent - [ERFA]
There is one other kind of free agent, which isn't really very "free" at all. That is the Exclusive Rights Free Agent (ERFA). Such a player has
no more than two accrued seasons in the NFL and may only sign with his prior team, provided, of course, that the team extends a minimum qualifying offer to the player.
Undrafted free agents - [UDFA]
Undrafted free agents are players eligible for the NFL Draft but who are
not selected; they can negotiate and sign with any team.
Franchise tagEach Club can designate one of its players who would otherwise be an UFA or RFA as a Franchise Player each season. Something that even some of the most knowledgeable sports fans do not realize is that a team has the option of designating a Franchise player with one of two tags:
"Exclusive" or
Any Club that designates a Franchise Player as "Exclusive" shall be
the only Club with which that Franchise Player may negotiate or sign a contract.
Spisak igraca koji su tag-ovani ove sezone: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/03/02/the-2012-franchise-tags/Transition tagEach Club can also designate one UFA or RFA as a
Transition Player. Any Club that designates a Transition Player shall receive the Rights of First Refusal. In order to designate an UFA or RFA as a Transition Player, the team must tender the player a one year contract for the average of the ten largest prior year salaries for players at the position at which he played the most games during the prior year, or 120% of his prior year salary, whichever is greater.
Waived playerA team makes an American football player contract or NFL rights (such as NFL draft rights to an unsigned player) available to all other teams. During the season (starting July 4 and lasting through the regular season), each team has 24 hours to file a claim for a player that another team has made available through the system or waive the right to do so. During the offseason each team has several days to file such claims. Claiming teams are assigned the rights to or contracts via a priority system based on inverse order of winning percentage.
Players that pass through waivers unclaimed become free agents. Waiver claims are irrevocable. A player who has been
cleared waivers and become a free agent shall be immediately free to negotiate and sign a player contract with any NFL Club, and any Club shall be completely free to negotiate and sign a player contract with such player.
Verzija na srpskom jeziku (objasnjenje napisao
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2012 Salary CapThe salary cap for 2012 has not been set, but it is projected to be
between $121-125 million, with teams being able to borrow another $2 million from future caps. Therefore, we’ll safely project the salary cap to be at $124 million in ’12. But please understand this is an estimation.
Ovo je poslednje stanje koje sam uspeo da nadjem (novembar 2011). Brojke oznacavaju koliko su timovi
ispod dozvoljene granice.
20+ milionaJaguars: $32.9 million.
Chiefs: $27.4 million.
Broncos: $25.6 million.
Buccaneers: $25.1 million.
Seahawks: $21.7 million.
Bills: $20.9 million.
Od 10 do 20 milionaBengals: $19.2 million.
Cowboys: $18.2 million.
49ers: $16.7 million.
Bears: $15.2 million.
Redskins: $11.9 million.
Browns: $10.2 million.
Od 5 do 10 milionaDolphins: $9.1 million.
Patriots: $8.4 million.
Titans: $8.3 million.
Jets: $7.9 million.
Cardinals: $7.2 million.
Packers: $6.2 million.
Ravens: $6.1 million.
Eagles: $5.3 million.
Ispod 5 milionaSaints: $4.5 million.
Rams: $4.5 million.
Vikings: $4.1 million.
Colts: $3.0 million.
Raiders: $2.9 million.
Chargers: $2.4 million.
Texans: $1.9 million.
Panthers: $1.8 million.
Lions: $1.8 million.
Giants: $1.7 million.
Falcons: $1.6 million.
Manje od milionSteelers: $640,000.
Ovo je 2012 salary cap projekcija ukoliko bi timovi zadrzali sve igrace (napisao
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2012 Free Agents ListIzvor -
http://www.footballsfuture.com/Procesljajte sledece postove da pronadjete zeljenog igraca