"Of the 20 NFL teams that missed the playoffs in 2011, NFL.com analyst Steve Wyche thinks that the Bears have the best chance of winning next season’s Super Bowl.
Jay Cutler led the Bears to a 7-3 record in 2011 before suffering a season-ending thumb injury.
“If Jay Cutler stays healthy, I’m rolling with the Bears,” Wyche writes. “Chicago was really gaining traction before Cutler got hurt, even with a serious lack of big-play receivers and issues on the back end of the defense."

Od ostalih novosti, ukratko:
Novi GM: Phil Emery
Novi QB coach: Jeremy Bates
Novi OL coach: Tim Holt

Od ranije: novi OC: Mike Tice
Novi-stari ST: Dave Toub, jos 2 godine
Ostalo , po starom, za sada.
Po ovome, cenim da cemo besomucno forsirati Forte-a, mada sam ubedjen da ce Cutleru naci makar jednog vrhunskog WR-a i to putem FA i da cemo opet uzeti nekog OL rukija. Za razliku od Angela koji bi pickove u prvim rundama, uglavnom, trosio, na gluposti, od novog GM se ocekuje da makar u prve 2 runde izabere ok igrace. Realno, prioriteti su nam WR, CB i 80% ovih ispred Cutlera

i ako ta mesta popunimo pravim igracima mozemo se nadati dobroj sezoni.