Author Topic: Los Angeles Rams - The greatest show on turf  (Read 585099 times)

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Offline starr

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Re: Los Angeles Rams - The greatest show on turf
« Reply #2275 on: October 01, 2019, 02:29:34 am »
Pablo, ne brini. Odbrana predvođeno Clayom će da zatvori protivničke napade.  :smile3:

Offline Pablo

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Re: Los Angeles Rams - The greatest show on turf
« Reply #2276 on: October 16, 2019, 02:34:53 am »
The Rams acquired Jalen Ramsey from the Jaguars in exchange for a 2020 first-rounder, a 2021 first-rounder, and 2021 fourth-round pick.

The Rams shipped CB Marcus Peters this afternoon to clear some cap space, and they'll fill his starting spot with one of the NFL's elite corners. It took a few weeks of sitting out for the Jaguars to cave in, but Ramsey gets what he wants -- a chance at winning in the playoffs. For the Rams, it's a steep price to pay, but one that will help get them back into the mix at the top of the NFC this season. The Rams currently sit in third place in the NFC West, so they'll need Ramsey's "back injury" to heal up as quickly as possible. This trade is a risky "win now" move for Los Angeles and gives Jacksonville a chance to re-tool an average roster.

Bogami Mladenko, sa našim Ramsima bukvalno nikada ne znaš šta možeš da očekuješ...

Offline starr

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Re: Los Angeles Rams - The greatest show on turf
« Reply #2277 on: October 16, 2019, 09:14:47 am »
a chance at winning in the playoffs

Čekam Sunđerovu reakciju... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :bigfunny: :bigfunny: :bigfunny:

Offline Pablo

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Re: LOs Angeles Rams - The greatest show on turf
« Reply #2278 on: October 16, 2019, 01:01:45 pm »
BEtula je sada kao sav lud, krevelji se i tako to, a još je meni letos bilo jasno [a posle trejda kada je dao Kuka i Hantera u zamenu za kikiriki, semenke i lažni osmeh uz obrazloženje da više ne može da ih gleda] da mu je rezonovanje uravnoteženo poput vesićevih kocki na trgu republike a to znači krivo, nejednako i pri prvoj promeni vremena sve se raspada... ne mogu da povatam sve gluposti koje si napisao na više tema a vezano za suđenje na MNF...

DAlje, da sam na tvom mestu ne bih tako lako pozivao sunđera, vođa sekte vam je zboga istog napustio sve i otišao u pustinju da porazmisli o svemu. Ostali ste ti i savskog nasipa precednik, ne rizikuj.

Offline starr

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Re: Los Angeles Rams - The greatest show on turf
« Reply #2279 on: October 16, 2019, 03:14:14 pm »
BEtula je sada kao sav lud, krevelji se i tako to, a još je meni letos bilo jasno [a posle trejda kada je dao Kuka i Hantera u zamenu za kikiriki, semenke i lažni osmeh uz obrazloženje da više ne može da ih gleda] da mu je rezonovanje uravnoteženo poput vesićevih kocki na trgu republike a to znači krivo, nejednako i pri prvoj promeni vremena sve se raspada... ne mogu da povatam sve gluposti koje si napisao na više tema a vezano za suđenje na MNF...

DAlje, da sam na tvom mestu ne bih tako lako pozivao sunđera, vođa sekte vam je zboga istog napustio sve i otišao u pustinju da porazmisli o svemu. Ostali ste ti i savskog nasipa precednik, ne rizikuj.

A jel najveća glupost od svega što sam rekao ono da te faulove nisu trebali da sude? :hm:

Offline mladenko

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Re: Los Angeles Rams - The greatest show on turf
« Reply #2280 on: October 16, 2019, 03:15:06 pm »

Bogami Mladenko, sa našim Ramsima bukvalno nikada ne znaš šta možeš da očekuješ...
ma kod nas zajebano uvek, nema šta. Hollywood je keva :D

e sad kad je  Peters poslat negde drugde, mogu an miru da odgledam neku tekmu. ove sezone sam odgledao tačno 0 minuta akcije jerbo mi je taj lik uvek srčku davao... pozdravljam

aj prvo mi da pobedimo jednu, dve pa ćemo o PO polako.. SB je naš !!

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Re: Los Angeles Rams - The greatest show on turf
« Reply #2282 on: October 16, 2019, 10:36:26 pm »
Zašto čekate moju rekaciju? Ako Gurli bude zdrav, biće pobeda. Ako ne bude 100% fit, teško će se ući i u PO. Kakav Remzi, kakvi bakrači.
Do kada ćemo morati da peremo ruke, zna li se šta?
Amerika, za razliku od Srbije, nema dovojan broj testova na korona virus.

Offline Pablo

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Re: Los Angeles Rams - The greatest show on turf
« Reply #2283 on: October 17, 2019, 12:21:12 pm »
Ramsey's back injury disappears Wednesday

Rams coach Sean McVay said "the goal" is for CB Jalen Ramsey to play Week 7 against the Falcons. Ramsey was listed as a "did not participate" at Wednesday's practice because he was still getting into town -- not because of his "back injury". It appears that wearing a new uniform is the cure to back pain. At this point, it would be more of a surprise if Ramsey did not play this week. With a 3-3 record and with Julio Jones on the schedule, the Rams have every incentive to rush Ramsey out there on Sunday.


Offline mardok

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Re: Los Angeles Rams - The greatest show on turf
« Reply #2284 on: October 17, 2019, 01:38:55 pm »
Pizda mala, zelim da ga JJ siluje ko pizdu sto jeste.

Offline Reignman

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Re: Los Angeles Rams - The greatest show on turf
« Reply #2285 on: October 17, 2019, 03:59:55 pm »
prozivao je Rajana onomad u interviju-u...videcemo  :cackalica:

Offline Pablo

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Re: Los Angeles Rams - The greatest show on turf
« Reply #2286 on: October 17, 2019, 11:09:08 pm »
Pizda mala, zelim da ga JJ siluje ko pizdu sto jeste.

Na osnovu tvog tona zaključujem da ne delimo isti entuzijazam oko ovog transfera?  :hm:

A i realno šta će čovek više da radi u Džeksonvilu? Jedino što je zanimljivo jeste bazen na vrhu stadiona, ali i to vremenom dosadi  :zzz:

Offline mardok

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Re: Los Angeles Rams - The greatest show on turf
« Reply #2287 on: October 17, 2019, 11:17:48 pm »
Na osnovu tvog tona zaključujem da ne delimo isti entuzijazam oko ovog transfera?  :hm:
Ako treba da se pravis da si povredjen da bi izboksovao transfer jer ti je povredjena sujeta. Da.
I da uporno pricas kako sve ovo nema veze sa parama. OK ono...sisaj ga.

Offline mladenko

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Re: Los Angeles Rams - The greatest show on turf
« Reply #2288 on: October 18, 2019, 03:10:32 am »
Ako treba da se pravis da si povredjen da bi izboksovao transfer jer ti je povredjena sujeta. Da.
I da uporno pricas kako sve ovo nema veze sa parama. OK ono...sisaj ga.
što izgleda lepo.... ju ju ju

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Re: Los Angeles Rams - The greatest show on turf
« Reply #2289 on: October 18, 2019, 03:11:26 am »
na drugu stranu

Offline Pablo

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Re: Los Angeles Rams - The greatest show on turf
« Reply #2290 on: October 18, 2019, 11:58:40 pm »
Rams CB Jalen Ramsey will play in Week 7 against the Falcons.

Ramsey is over his back injury
, but there were concerns he wasn't yet up to speed after getting traded this week. The Rams saw enough from him in practice to make him active for a matchup with Julio Jones and the Falcons. Ramsey's presence will help improve a Rams secondary that has underperformed though the first six weeks.


Offline starr

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Re: Los Angeles Rams - The greatest show on turf
« Reply #2291 on: October 19, 2019, 12:08:20 am »
Medicina u Kaliforniji za tri koplja ispred Floride gde još idu kod vračeva. :facts:

15K :kafa:

Offline Pablo

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Re: Los Angeles Rams - The greatest show on turf
« Reply #2292 on: October 20, 2019, 06:25:31 pm »
According to ESPN's Adam Schefter, Jalen Ramsey promised not to hold out in 2020.

Ramsey was ecstatic to join Los Angeles following a tumultuous end to his Jaguars tenure and gave the Rams his word by promising he wouldn't cause a distraction by holding out next summer, even in the absence of a long-term deal. There is a caveat however as Schefter notes "all bets are off" if the Rams apply the franchise tag to Ramsey in 2021. In fact, the Rams could even look to trade Ramsey next year if the two sides aren't close on a long-term deal. The All-Pro corner is due $13.7 million in 2020, the final year of his rookie contract.

Polako se izgrađuje međusobno poverenje  :teg:

Offline mladenko

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Re: Los Angeles Rams - The greatest show on turf
« Reply #2293 on: October 28, 2019, 09:25:18 pm »

Offline Pablo

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Re: Los Angeles Rams - The greatest show on turf
« Reply #2295 on: November 03, 2019, 10:33:26 pm »
Mladenko vide li ti koliko beše Mineapolisčana na Arrowheadu? Posle nama prebacuju da nam je pola stadiona gostiju  :pablo:

Offline mladenko

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Re: Los Angeles Rams - The greatest show on turf
« Reply #2296 on: November 04, 2019, 05:25:31 pm »
Mladenko vide li ti koliko beše Mineapolisčana na Arrowheadu? Posle nama prebacuju da nam je pola stadiona gostiju  :pablo:
ma ne vole nas pa to ti je... šta šanse radi, zavidni ljudi postoje svuda. za to vreme mi imamo nekoliko pojavljivanja u SB, al to nema veze... esi vid'o?

Offline Pablo

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Re: Los Angeles Rams - The greatest show on turf
« Reply #2297 on: November 05, 2019, 03:59:54 pm »
ma ne vole nas pa to ti je...

Mi smo još i dobri, ove oće disele sa kontinenta  :cheer:

The Athletic's Vincent Bonsignore reports the Chargers "would listen" if the NFL approached them about relocating to London.

According to Bonsignore, the possibility "has been broached among league personnel" and owners are "concerned enough about the Chargers’ situation in L.A. that they would provide the necessary support for a relocation to London if the Chargers pursue it." Tottenham Hotspur Stadium opened earlier this year with the NFL in mind and hosted two of the four London games this season after the across-the-pond series concluded this past Sunday. It seats over 62,000, and the Chargers are currently playing in a tiny soccer stadium in Carson, Cali. that seats a mere 27,000 where the Chargers are essentially the road team every week as it gets flooded with opposing fans. The Chargers are slated to join the Rams in their new $4.5 billion venue, but L.A. has not embraced the Bolts as it has the Rams. Moving to London would make a whole heck of a lot of sense, as the fans over there have totally embraced the NFL. It would likely require the Chargers switching divisions.

Offline Dome Patrol

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Re: Los Angeles Rams - The greatest show on turf
« Reply #2298 on: November 05, 2019, 09:15:38 pm »
Mi smo još i dobri, ove oće disele sa kontinenta  :cheer:

The Athletic's Vincent Bonsignore reports the Chargers "would listen" if the NFL approached them about relocating to London.

According to Bonsignore, the possibility "has been broached among league personnel" and owners are "concerned enough about the Chargers’ situation in L.A. that they would provide the necessary support for a relocation to London if the Chargers pursue it." Tottenham Hotspur Stadium opened earlier this year with the NFL in mind and hosted two of the four London games this season after the across-the-pond series concluded this past Sunday. It seats over 62,000, and the Chargers are currently playing in a tiny soccer stadium in Carson, Cali. that seats a mere 27,000 where the Chargers are essentially the road team every week as it gets flooded with opposing fans. The Chargers are slated to join the Rams in their new $4.5 billion venue, but L.A. has not embraced the Bolts as it has the Rams. Moving to London would make a whole heck of a lot of sense, as the fans over there have totally embraced the NFL. It would likely require the Chargers switching divisions.

Offline Pablo

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Re: Los Angeles Rams - The greatest show on turf
« Reply #2299 on: November 05, 2019, 11:57:44 pm »
Sad su i Chargersi postali duhoviti na društvenim mrežama?  :rofl:

Ne stvarno, ako postoji bilo koja ekipa koja nema osnova za zrno duhovitosti to su onda definitivno LAC  :wall:

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Re: Los Angeles Rams - The greatest show on turf
« Reply #2300 on: November 06, 2019, 09:08:19 am »
Mi smo još i dobri, ove oće disele sa kontinenta  :cheer:

The Athletic's Vincent Bonsignore reports the Chargers "would listen" if the NFL approached them about relocating to London.

According to Bonsignore, the possibility "has been broached among league personnel" and owners are "concerned enough about the Chargers’ situation in L.A. that they would provide the necessary support for a relocation to London if the Chargers pursue it." Tottenham Hotspur Stadium opened earlier this year with the NFL in mind and hosted two of the four London games this season after the across-the-pond series concluded this past Sunday. It seats over 62,000, and the Chargers are currently playing in a tiny soccer stadium in Carson, Cali. that seats a mere 27,000 where the Chargers are essentially the road team every week as it gets flooded with opposing fans. The Chargers are slated to join the Rams in their new $4.5 billion venue, but L.A. has not embraced the Bolts as it has the Rams. Moving to London would make a whole heck of a lot of sense, as the fans over there have totally embraced the NFL. It would likely require the Chargers switching divisions.
Bartomeu reaguj  :facts:

Offline Pablo

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Re: Los Angeles Rams - The greatest show on turf
« Reply #2301 on: November 15, 2019, 03:31:58 pm »
Od koje smo mi skupine govana izgubili prethodno kolo, i Mladenko druže stari nameće se i pitanje kako?  :hm:

Offline mladenko

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Re: Los Angeles Rams - The greatest show on turf
« Reply #2302 on: November 15, 2019, 04:30:35 pm »
Od koje smo mi skupine govana izgubili prethodno kolo, i Mladenko druže stari nameće se i pitanje kako?  :hm:
možeš ti da preseliš tim iz sela u grad ali selo iz tima nikako... al sam ga sklepao sad..

nisam gledao pa ne mogu da pojasnim, ali nikako dobro ne izgleda. do te tek me sam i bio optimista al mi se sad gubi taj pirossi (tm) optimizam.

mene više brinu naredne godine gde nemamo pika na draftovima i svaka godina u LA je bila win-now pristup... ostaje još koje kolo da probamo do PO i to bi bilo ekstra...

Offline Pablo

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Re: Los Angeles Rams - The greatest show on turf
« Reply #2303 on: December 05, 2019, 02:00:54 am »
Mladenko se posle velikog superbol finala još grđe smorio od mene i skroz prestao da prati Ovnove  :pablo:

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Re: Los Angeles Rams - The greatest show on turf
« Reply #2304 on: December 07, 2019, 11:49:57 pm »
Mladenko se posle velikog superbol finala još grđe smorio od mene i skroz prestao da prati Ovnove  :pablo:
nisam prestao, samo sam smanjio :)

a još više sam smanjio dolazak na forum i ostavljanje mojih misli na istom

iskreno nisam odgledao niti jednu tekmu, tek nekoliko highlights što izlaze na YT... i to je to.

kad bi nam svaki protivnik bio kao Arizona ( :D ) bili bi već u PO... ovako, teška posla. a i nema šta da komentarišem a da već ne znaš, kad nema nikog drugog (normalnog) ovde da dolazi

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Re: Los Angeles Rams - The greatest show on turf
« Reply #2305 on: December 09, 2019, 02:43:02 am »
Mladenko se posle velikog superbol finala još grđe smorio od mene i skroz prestao da prati Ovnove  :pablo:
e Pablo, gledam ovu tekmu, za promenu ;)

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Re: Los Angeles Rams - The greatest show on turf
« Reply #2306 on: December 09, 2019, 05:25:44 am »
pu Zurlein konj... od ore nekoliko nedelja.

odbrana ubija, napad odličan u 1/2, dobar kad treba. e da se ovako igralo cele sezone...

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Re: Los Angeles Rams - The greatest show on turf
« Reply #2307 on: December 09, 2019, 05:19:49 pm »
@Pablo esi primetio da ne samo da imamo TE nego da su dobri i čak i da ih koristimo?. ja ovo nisam video od kad pratim ovnove

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Re: Los Angeles Rams - The greatest show on turf
« Reply #2308 on: December 10, 2019, 12:58:19 am »
@Pablo esi primetio da ne samo da imamo TE nego da su dobri i čak i da ih koristimo?. ja ovo nisam video od kad pratim ovnove

Higbee je featureovan poslednja 2 meča, jeste da su oba rivala bila na dnu kada je odbrana TE u pitanju, ali se Higbić kreće levo desno napred kao speedy g, nije mi jasno kako je Everet ispred njega na depthu. Možda je bolji blocker ne znam.

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Re: Los Angeles Rams - The greatest show on turf
« Reply #2309 on: December 16, 2019, 02:02:42 am »
Zasluženi odmor za vas u januaru... :zvizdanje: :zvizdanje: