Author Topic: 2012 NFL Free Agency  (Read 155855 times)

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Offline waukesha

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Re: 2012 NFL Free Agency
« Reply #70 on: February 23, 2012, 01:06:34 pm »
Da li je moguca  varijanta da taguju igraca s kojim ne mogu da se dogovore trenutno pa da naknadno potpise neki normalan ugovor ?

Morali bi platiti 8,5 mil $, što je previše za centra. ;)

Offline starr

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Re: 2012 NFL Free Agency
« Reply #71 on: February 23, 2012, 01:11:26 pm »
Morali bi platiti 8,5 mil $, što je previše za centra. ;)

Nije 8,5 nego 9,4 miliona...

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Re: 2012 NFL Free Agency
« Reply #72 on: February 23, 2012, 02:52:08 pm »
Nije 8,5 nego 9,4 miliona...

Vidio sam i ja to prije, ali u današnjem tekstu od Toma Siverstaina navedeno je 8,4 mil pa sam mislio čovjek zna. :D

"Not having to use the franchise tag puts the Packers in a position of strength heading into the off-season. They're unlikely to use it on center Scott Wells, who will be an unrestricted free agent, because the franchise salary for an offensive lineman is $8.4 million, which is likely more than they would be willing to pay."

Kako god bilo, 8 ili 9 milki je previše. Mislim da je neki maksimum na koji bi TT pristao 3 godine za 15 mil., sve drugo je pretjerano. ;)

Offline marasin

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Re: 2012 NFL Free Agency
« Reply #73 on: February 23, 2012, 02:58:05 pm »
Postoji varijanta, ali ako su obe strane voljne i samo neko vreme. Ako tim taguje igraca a ovaj ne potpise papir. On jos nije freeagent i ne mogu da ga potrazuju drugi timovi a moze da potpise novi ugovor sa timom i tim povuce tag. E sad, nisam siguran koliko on dugo moze da ne potpise, ali mislim da dok ne potpise sigurno ne moze da igra i ide u kampove.

Offline velja

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Re: 2012 NFL Free Agency
« Reply #74 on: February 23, 2012, 05:52:00 pm »
Postoji varijanta, ali ako su obe strane voljne i samo neko vreme. Ako tim taguje igraca a ovaj ne potpise papir. On jos nije freeagent i ne mogu da ga potrazuju drugi timovi a moze da potpise novi ugovor sa timom i tim povuce tag. E sad, nisam siguran koliko on dugo moze da ne potpise, ali mislim da dok ne potpise sigurno ne moze da igra i ide u kampove.

The move would temporarily consume about $14 million in 2012 salary cap space, and a trade couldn't be executed until after free agency begins March 13. The Packers would also have to be confident that they will be able to find a trade partner, a tricky proposition given tampering rules in effect through March 12. It's true that NFL teams can rescind franchise tags, but not if the player signs the offer sheet -- which Flynn almost certainly would do to force the trade and ensure he isn't a late arrival to the free agent market.

Potpuno je sad cudna situacija...Mislim da bi FT bio i udarac ina salary cap.Wells FT bi bio oko 9.4 mil, a Flynn 14.4.
Prvi je preveliki kao cena, a za drugi (koji bi naravno bio sign&trade) nemamo cap space :wall: .Osim...

Clifton cap cifra za 2012 is $5.59 million a Driverova je $5 million  :cry:


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Re: 2012 NFL Free Agency
« Reply #75 on: February 23, 2012, 06:22:01 pm »
Sto se mene tice Driver moze da ide.
Pricam realno, ne kroz emocije, zasluge i sl.

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Offline marasin

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Re: 2012 NFL Free Agency
« Reply #76 on: February 24, 2012, 01:51:31 am »
Hm...  :hm: Nisam razumeo bas najbolje tampering rules. Koliko ja znam Selery cup se racuna nesto pre pocetka sezone tako bi trebali da mogu da ga taguju bez problema.

Offline Grandilof

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Re: 2012 NFL Free Agency
« Reply #77 on: February 24, 2012, 03:04:12 am »
Ja nisam bas najbolji sa tom materijom, ali negde procitah da timovi moraju biti usaglaseni sa cap-om prvog dana sezone sto je sad odma' u martu. Prosle godine bilo u avgustu zbog lockout-a. Zbog toga sva ta zurba...

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Re: 2012 NFL Free Agency
« Reply #78 on: February 24, 2012, 11:06:39 am »
Orlusine potpisale belog QB :jupi: Steta sto je to Trent Edwards :dry:

Vidim da ste spominjali ko je sve waiver, a ko ne. Ako sam ja to dobro razumeo, igraci sa 3 ili 4 godine staza idu na waiver uvek, tj. kad god dobiju pedalu, dok igraci sa stazom preko tih godina ne idu na waiver sve do odredjenog kola (da li je kad i trade dead line ili week 10, nisam siguran). Zato su neki igraci koje ste spominjali (recimo Orton) otisli na waiver. To se radi da ne bi neko naglo pojacao tim za PO. Nesto slicno su probali da oslabe u NBA, pa recimo kad te tim trejduje ne mozes za igrati za njega sledecih mesec dana...

Offline Grandilof

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Re: 2012 NFL Free Agency
« Reply #79 on: February 24, 2012, 01:53:07 pm »
Orlusine potpisale belog QB :jupi: Steta sto je to Trent Edwards :dry:

Bitnije je da smo mi restruktuirali ugovor sa Jenkins-om.  :D

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Offline Foldingo

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Re: 2012 NFL Free Agency
« Reply #80 on: February 26, 2012, 11:03:28 am »
Malo sam update-ovao spisak. Postoje jos neki igraci koje su timovi potpisali ili otpustili, ali zaista nisu "bitni" pa da ih dodajemo na spisak.

Jos otprilike nedelju dana je ostalo da se timovi odluce da primene franchise tag. Polako se pravi spisak igraca za koje je izvesno da ce biti tag-ovani (pod uslovom da ne potpisu novi ugovor do 5. marta:

Patriots are likely to place their franchise tag wide receiver Wes Welker.

KC plan to tag WR Dwayne Bowe.

Cardinals will use their franchise tag on DE Calais Campbell.

49ers plan to use their franchise tag on safety Dashon Goldson.

Oakland is not planning to use their franchise tag.

Nista od ovoga nije jos potvrdjeno, tako da su za sada i dalje nagadjanja, ali sada vec informacije postaju ozbiljnije.
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Offline marasin

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Re: 2012 NFL Free Agency
« Reply #81 on: February 26, 2012, 12:28:02 pm »
koliko sam mogao da shvatim, ako ne potpisemo Lyncha tagovat cemo ga, tako da i to mozes da ubacis

Offline Foldingo

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Re: 2012 NFL Free Agency
« Reply #82 on: February 26, 2012, 02:36:09 pm »
I Brent Grimes, CB Falcons-a ce najverovatnije da bude tag-ovan.
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Offline mardok

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Re: 2012 NFL Free Agency
« Reply #83 on: February 26, 2012, 02:43:45 pm »
Kod Jagsa za sad jedino Scobee moze da bude tagovan jer trazi dosta para, ostali ce varovatno da potpisu.

Offline Reignman

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Re: 2012 NFL Free Agency
« Reply #84 on: March 02, 2012, 03:44:20 pm »
Thomas Dimitroff has announced the Falcons have placed the franchise tag on cornerback Brent Grimes.

Offline Foldingo

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Re: 2012 NFL Free Agency
« Reply #85 on: March 02, 2012, 06:27:02 pm »
Spisak tag-ovanih igraca koji ce se azurirati:
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Re: 2012 NFL Free Agency
« Reply #86 on: March 02, 2012, 07:49:33 pm »
I ovo je ocekivano ...

49ers officially place franchise tag on safety Dashon Goldson.

Offline Foldingo

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Re: 2012 NFL Free Agency
« Reply #87 on: March 02, 2012, 07:55:42 pm »
Redskins inform Fred Davis he’s getting the franchise tag.

Ravens Assign Franchise Tag To Rice.

The Arizona Cardinals announced Friday that they have used their franchise tag on defensive end Calais Campbell.

U medjuvremenu i dva kicker-a tag-ovana:

Browns assigned the franchise tag to K Phil Dawson

The Bengals opted to use the franchise tag on free agent K Mike Nugent
« Last Edit: March 02, 2012, 11:30:22 pm by Foldingo »
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Re: 2012 NFL Free Agency
« Reply #88 on: March 03, 2012, 10:12:14 pm »
“Winning is not a sometime thing, it is an all the time thing.” - Vince Lombardi

Offline marasin

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Re: 2012 NFL Free Agency
« Reply #89 on: March 05, 2012, 07:49:01 am »
Ako su informacije tacne Lynch je potpisan tako da ga mozete skinuti sa liste FA.

Offline Nikša

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Re: 2012 NFL Free Agency
« Reply #90 on: March 05, 2012, 02:38:13 pm »
izgleda da je i Fosterica potpisao

Offline starr

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Re: 2012 NFL Free Agency
« Reply #91 on: March 05, 2012, 04:43:10 pm »
I Stevie Johnson se dogovorio sa Billsima... Verujem da su mu povećali premije za ispuštanje ključnih lopti u EZ i za preterano slavlje nakon TD. :D

Offline Foldingo

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Re: 2012 NFL Free Agency
« Reply #92 on: March 05, 2012, 06:25:23 pm »
Lepo nam ide pracenje ovog FA perioda za sada :) Mislim da nam nista znacajno nije promaklo. Videcemo kako ce biti posle 13. marta :D

Elem, 5 kicker-a tag-ovano :A
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Offline Nikša

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Re: 2012 NFL Free Agency
« Reply #93 on: March 05, 2012, 06:39:20 pm »
Avril tagovan

Offline Disco Jamal

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Re: 2012 NFL Free Agency
« Reply #94 on: March 05, 2012, 06:40:59 pm »
Elem, 5 kicker-a tag-ovano :A

A Billy Cundiff nevera.

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Re: 2012 NFL Free Agency
« Reply #95 on: March 05, 2012, 09:23:21 pm »

Al je Bris dobio boju na moru...
Do kada ćemo morati da peremo ruke, zna li se šta?
Amerika, za razliku od Srbije, nema dovojan broj testova na korona virus.

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Re: 2012 NFL Free Agency
« Reply #96 on: March 05, 2012, 10:03:53 pm »
The Colts and Robert Mathis have agreed to a long term contract, according to Bob Kravitz of the Indianapolis Star.
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Re: 2012 NFL Free Agency
« Reply #97 on: March 05, 2012, 11:41:13 pm »
A Billy Cundiff nevera.

Biliju su ponudili ugovor, ali se on potpisao na sto, metar levo od ugovora  :A

Nenad Čanak štapom bije Kristijana Karembea.

Offline starr

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Re: 2012 NFL Free Agency
« Reply #98 on: March 06, 2012, 12:24:54 am »
Čak 21 igrač počašćen franchise tagom... Timovi maksimalno iskoristili mogućnost da relativno povoljno zadrže igrače.

Offline marasin

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Re: 2012 NFL Free Agency
« Reply #99 on: March 08, 2012, 11:00:54 am »
Da dodam i da smo otpustili Trufanta. Ipak je bio previse povredjen za pare koje  je dobijao. Uz to da todam da se suska da bi i Freeney mogao biti otpusten.  E on bi nam legao ko budali samar.

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Re: 2012 NFL Free Agency
« Reply #101 on: March 08, 2012, 05:58:54 pm »
Sta, bre, nice? 5 mil za povredjenog CB?
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Re: 2012 NFL Free Agency
« Reply #102 on: March 08, 2012, 06:52:57 pm »
This is a good "value" contract for both the Jaguars and Mathis, as the contract is full of incentives according to Tania Ganguli of the Florida Times-Union, of which is highly likely games and snaps played.

Reklo bi se da nema prevelikog rizika i da je povoljan ugovor za obe strane.

Offline Foldingo

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Re: 2012 NFL Free Agency
« Reply #103 on: March 08, 2012, 06:55:07 pm »
Znaci tih 5 mil nisu zagarantovani? (msm, nije da mi je nesto bitno, ali mi je bilo cudno jutros kada sam citao da su mu dali toliko)
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Re: 2012 NFL Free Agency
« Reply #104 on: March 08, 2012, 08:20:33 pm »
Ugovor na 1 godinu da se vidi koliko moze i koliko ce da se oporavi.
Nisu ispali kulovi i sutnuli ga. 
I plus su se "zastitili" da mora da odigra odredjen br.utakmica i br snepova.