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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #6930 on: May 01, 2015, 05:23:29 am »
Pick objavljen na twitteru 15 minuta prije službene objave. Toliko o neizvjesnosti. :palm:

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #6931 on: May 01, 2015, 08:45:14 am »

Offline starr

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #6932 on: May 01, 2015, 11:53:19 am »
Pick objavljen na twitteru 15 minuta prije službene objave. Toliko o neizvjesnosti. :palm:

Ako hoćeš neizvesnost kloni se twittera. ;)

Očekivao sam neki trejd ali izgleda da TT nije mnogo razmišljao o tome i da je odavno zapikirao Randalla.

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #6933 on: May 01, 2015, 12:00:48 pm »
Mišljenja nekih skauta...

What NFL personnel people told the Journal Sentinel's Bob McGinn about FS Damarious Randall of Arizona State before the draft.

NFC scout: "He's going to go back end of the first round. Extremely athletic. Very fast. Very position flexible."

AFC scout: "I saw him. I liked him. Good ball skills. He can play corner in a pinch. You can cover with him in the slot. He has those kind of movement skills."

AFC scout: "He's an undersized guy but he's active. He can cover. He's got good instincts but sometimes he gambles a little too much and takes himself out of position. People talk about it's a passing league and the box safety is growing out of style. He kind of fits in with the new wave of safeties who can cover receivers and strong enough to play around the line of scrimmage. He reminds me a little bit of the guy the 49ers drafted last year (Jimmie Ward) at the bottom of the first round."

AFC scout: "I don't see that (late first-round pick). He's off size for a safety. He's got cover skill and speed. He's an average tackler. He's got a chance to be a starting safety, but I don't see him as a first-rounder."

AFC scout: "He's a mid-round kind of guy. He's OK. Nothing special."

AFC scout: "There's an outside chance he goes late one."

AFC scout: "He's creeping up there (first round). He's being compared to T.J. Ward."

NFC scout:"Second rounder."

AFC scout: "I'm not crazy about him."

NFC scout: "I like that little dude. Maybe second round. Size is the holdback. He's just not physical. He reminds me of Devin McCourty. He played corner his first year or two in the league. This kid never played corner. He's a baseball player. Got drafted, went to the minor leagues and went to junior college because he hurt his shoulder. He was standing on the chain gang at a football game when he looked out and said, 'I'm better than these guys.' So the coach let him play. He's smart enough."

AFC scout: "He's a corner. He can't play safety because he doesn't tackle that well. Good athlete. He played safety for them just because they had a need there. He is not a big person. He's not a good tackler. He doesn't break down; he just dives at people. He worked out as a corner and he's quick. Fifth rounder. He covered the slot there. He backpedaled easy. Good change of direction. He does have good ball skills. Even though he weighed 194 he is a small-framed person. Small waist. Little bowlegged."

AFC scout:"Not bad. More of an athletic space safety than a box safety. He's a little shorter."

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #6934 on: May 01, 2015, 12:36:49 pm »
Prdez od igraca,skauti objasnili.
Šampion Endzone III-B lige za 2015.godinu!
Šampion Vince Lombardi Keeper lige za 2019.godinu!
Šampion AllDef lige za 2021.godinu!
Šampion Dynasty NBA za 2022/23!

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #6935 on: May 01, 2015, 02:01:03 pm »
Skauti nemaju pojma. :A
Ted je ostao doslijedan sebi. Izabere igrača koji je po njemu "best player available" i boli ga ona stvar što drugi trube.
U ovome dečku vidi dobrog igrača, a tek će se vidjeti što će igrati, CB uz crtu, nickel CB... Tu su treneri da ga postave na najbolju poziciju. :D
Po meni biti će pojačanje u današnjem secondaryju iako su svi očekivali da će se uzeti viskog CB, tipičnu zamjenu za Williamsa i Housea.
Očito takvog Ted nije vidio na 30-tom picku. Prema skautima mogao je uzeti Browna, Phillipsa, nekog od ILB, ali on vidi dugoročno boljeg igrača u Randallu. To je njegova procjena i nema mu se što prigovoriti jer za takve je stvari plaćen.
Kao i za svaki drugi pick tek za par godina vidjeti će se da li je bio u pravu ili u krivu.

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #6936 on: May 01, 2015, 06:57:29 pm »
Ja onako na prvi pogled:
Brine me sto smo propistili boljeg ILB  i cini mi se dobrog DT

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #6937 on: May 02, 2015, 01:06:51 am »

Offline waukesha

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #6938 on: May 02, 2015, 03:33:12 am »
Rollings. Još jedan niski CB/S. Ted legenda. ILB će uzeti u 4-5 rundi. :D

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #6939 on: May 02, 2015, 10:28:00 am »
Sad uzeo WR

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #6940 on: May 02, 2015, 11:18:10 am »
Definitivno jedan od čudnijih Thompsonovih draftova. :blink:
Ne znam puno o igračima koje je uzeo. Dva CB neće biti višak, ali čudi što nije malo taktizirao. Ove igrače je vjerojatno mogao uzeti u kasnijim rundama, a u prvoj i drugoj je mogao riskirati s nekim poznatijim imenom.
Realno ne vidim tko bi mu uzeo CB iz MAC-a u drugoj rundi. :hm: :pablo:

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #6941 on: May 02, 2015, 12:44:03 pm »
Realno ne vidim tko bi mu uzeo CB iz MAC-a u drugoj rundi. :hm: :pablo:

Makar bio MAC Defensive Player of the Year? :)

Zadnja tri CB koje je TT draftovao dolaze iz košarke i bejzbola, ne znam da li je to slučajnost.

A ne znam da li bi uopšte trebali da se čudimo nekom WRu u drugoj ili trećoj rundi. :lol: Srećom, tada obično ne promašuje. :D

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #6942 on: May 02, 2015, 04:06:25 pm »
Makar bio MAC Defensive Player of the Year? :)
Znaš koliko je još igrača iz MAC otišlo u prve tri runde? 0, N-u-l-a. :D

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #6943 on: May 02, 2015, 05:19:44 pm »
Znaš koliko je još igrača iz MAC otišlo u prve tri runde? 0, N-u-l-a. :D

A nije ti smetao Gregg Jennings? :)

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #6944 on: May 02, 2015, 05:39:47 pm »
A nije ti smetao Gregg Jennings? :)
Ma ne smeta mi ni ovaj. Dapače sviđa  mi se CB depth.
LB je druga  priča.  ;)

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #6945 on: May 02, 2015, 07:31:03 pm »

Offline waukesha

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #6946 on: May 02, 2015, 07:46:21 pm »
Raja u Wisconsinu konačno dočekala LB. :D

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #6947 on: May 02, 2015, 07:55:35 pm »
Jason Wilde ‏@jasonjwilde  · 10m10 minutes ago 
Wolf on what Ted said after taking ILB: "He kind of just said, 'Maybe they'll get off my back.' I honestly don't think it had any bearing." :D

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #6948 on: May 02, 2015, 08:23:46 pm »
Ponovo QB koji se zove Brett... :D

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #6949 on: May 02, 2015, 08:48:09 pm »
Realno-bedan draft,GM ocigledno izgubio kompas...
Šampion Endzone III-B lige za 2015.godinu!
Šampion Vince Lombardi Keeper lige za 2019.godinu!
Šampion AllDef lige za 2021.godinu!
Šampion Dynasty NBA za 2022/23!

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #6951 on: May 02, 2015, 11:22:06 pm »
Damarious Randall
Quinten Rollins
Ty Montgomery
Jake Ryan
Brett Hundley
Aaron Ripkowski
Christian Ringo
Kennard Backman
Arizona State
Miami (OH)

To je to, osim ako se TT nekim trejdom budućeg pika ili igrača vrati u sedmu rundu. Veliki akcenat na specijalni tim, teško da će neko ozbiljniju akciju da vidi pre novembra.

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #6952 on: May 03, 2015, 10:53:25 am »
Ovaj QB 4. Na rosteru? Svi nešto kao do jaja ovo-ono...Mislim da će oni njega da zavale negde...

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #6953 on: May 03, 2015, 10:56:27 pm »
Aaron RIPkowski  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Šampion Endzone III-B lige za 2015.godinu!
Šampion Vince Lombardi Keeper lige za 2019.godinu!
Šampion AllDef lige za 2021.godinu!
Šampion Dynasty NBA za 2022/23!

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #6954 on: May 03, 2015, 11:11:43 pm »
Odgovarajuće ime za fulbeka. :football: :D

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #6955 on: May 03, 2015, 11:32:19 pm »
Id' u klinac.  :lol:

"Philadelphia is the only city, where you can experience the thrill of victory and the agony of reading about it the next day."

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #6956 on: May 06, 2015, 06:44:44 pm »
Green Bay declines LB Nick Perry's fifth-year option.

Perry was the Packers' 1st round draft pick in 2012.

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #6957 on: May 08, 2015, 12:48:06 am »

#Packers rookie uniform numbers
7: Hundley
22: Ripkowski
23: Randall
24: Rollins
47: Ryan
77: Ringo
86: Backman
88: Montgomery

Rollins dobio #24, znači da se Bush verovatno ne vraća.

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #6958 on: May 08, 2015, 08:10:01 am »
Rollins dobio #24, znači da se Bush verovatno ne vraća.
Nećemo valjda plakati za Bushom? :P
Solidan ST igrač, ali realno gubitak jednog mjesta na rosteru jer ga ne možeš za ništa drugo koristiti.

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #6959 on: May 08, 2015, 11:06:13 am »
Davno je prošlo vreme kada je bio štetočina na terenu, to je bilo tamo negde 2006-2009. Kasnije je znao da zakrpi mesto kada se neko povredi i da ne bude najcrnja rupa kada bi u poslednjih par minuta dobijenog meča odmarao nekog startera.

Ne možeš očekivati da svaka ekipa ima 44 podjednako dobra igrača, uvek imaš nekoliko koji služe samo za ST. A postoji i realna potreba jer prosečno se odigra oko 20 akcija specijalnih timova po meču.

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #6960 on: May 08, 2015, 08:21:07 pm »
Na tryout je došao i long snapper sa Southern Illinois koji se zove Thor Hadfield.


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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #6961 on: May 08, 2015, 08:42:19 pm »
MM on Rollins in Bush's 24: I don't think 24 signifies that. He's a 9-yr veteran. ...If he returns, he'll wear 24. He's still a free agent.
McCarthy on Rollins wearing Jarrett Bush's old number: "I think it's premature that we did but Jarrett Bush is still a free agent."
McCarthy on WR Ty Montgomery: Very impressed. Obviously has a ton of explosion. Definitely thought he stood out…


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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #6962 on: May 21, 2015, 06:48:44 pm »
Evo kako su Packersi izbačeni iz Lige... :D

Monte from Pierre, SD

I heard that in 1926 the Packers were almost kicked out of the league because several of their players were playing under assumed names. Is this true and why?

The Packers were actually kicked out in January 1922 for using at least three players with college eligibility remaining under assumed names in a non-league game against Racine. The game was played Dec. 4, 1921, in Milwaukee and was billed as a battle for the state championship. It’s a long, involved story, but here’s a somewhat condensed version. By the time the Packers were admitted to the American Professional Football Association (now the NFL) on Aug. 27, 1921, they had already started practicing with many of the same local players they used in 1919 and ’20. Then they played four non-league games using several of those local players and some new recruits with state ties. But heading into their first APFA game on Oct. 23 against Minneapolis, the Packers added three players with pro experience within 48 hours of kickoff. Although the Packers were 4-0 in those non-league games, they may have had good reason for panic. The late Jack Rudolph, noted Green Bay historian, wrote years later the rumor was Green Bay had to beat Minneapolis to remain in the league. My suspicion is it wasn’t necessarily a win-or-else ultimatum, but Green Bay needed to win, or at least be competitive, to have any chance of scheduling future home games or attractive opponents. Whatever, the Packers beat the Marines and added two more experienced pros the next week. Of those five new players, four played at Notre Dame with Curly Lambeau in 1918 or the following year. Turnover of the roster continued and in late November the Chicago Cardinals and Chicago Staleys (now Bears) both agreed to play the Packers. At the time, many games were scheduled week to week. It was a big deal for the Packers to land the games in Chicago, but by then they didn’t have enough local players to even practice in Green Bay. Their players were scattered across the Midwest and met in Chicago to practice on Friday and Saturday before both games. According to The Milwaukee Journal, the Packers also practiced in Chicago before the Racine game. Meanwhile, rumors flew all week that Racine was loading up with ringers for the game. The result was a 3-3 tie. The next day, the Racine Journal-News reported, “Green Bay has (sic) several Notre Dame men from this year’s lineup with her.” The Journal-News listed them as Buck Shaw, Hunk Anderson and Fred Larson. What’s more, among the lineups that appeared in the Racine, Green Bay and two Milwaukee papers, there were three positions at which three different starters were listed for the Packers. In all, a total of six different names were listed that hadn’t previously played for them. News traveled slow in those days, and it wasn’t until eight days later that the South Bend Tribune reported Anderson, Larson and Arthur Garvey, all of whom had eligibility remaining, had played for the Packers in Milwaukee, and that Notre Dame had declared them ineligible and stripped them of their football letters. Pro football came under fire and Green Bay was forced from the league at the next APFA meeting in January. Six months later, the APFA changed its name to the National Football League and thanks to Lambeau’s persistence Green Bay was readmitted.

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #6963 on: July 18, 2015, 05:39:51 pm »
Khm khm ovvvvaj jeste li stvaarno mislili da cu propustiti ovo da spomenem?

Favre to be inducted into the Hall and have his No. 4 retired in historic evening

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #6964 on: July 19, 2015, 01:49:59 am »