Author Topic: Frozen Tundra!!!  (Read 2162586 times)

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Offline waukesha

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #2030 on: September 26, 2012, 08:58:37 am »
Nisi valjda očekivao da promene ishod meča? To je poslednje što bih hteo da se desi.

Ne znam za vas ali mene ova sezona sve više i više podseća na 2009. kada nas je trgnuo onaj sramni poraz od Tampe. S obzirom na prikazanu igru u napadu ovo još može i dobro da ispadne. Nadam se da će im ovaj poraz pomoći da se saberu i zaigraju kako umeju.

Realno nisam očekivao da će nam dati pobjedu za zelenim stolom. To bi tek bila lakrdija i dokaz totalnog nereda u NFL-u.
Ali, ipak sam očekivao da će popljuvati ove seronje od sudaca, a ne ih braniti.
Moguće da će ovaj "poraz" imati motivirajući efekt jer momčad ne izgleda loše. Obrana je puno bolja nego lani, a napad će se srediti. Mislim da će i za OL ovih 8 sackova biti alarm da se skockaju i odigraju solidno kao zadnje dvije godine. A Rodgers će se trgnuti, njemu ne treba motivacija da vrati kritičarima. To prolazi od rookie sezone.

Offline Nikša

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #2031 on: September 26, 2012, 10:34:37 am »
God bless TYT. :D
Sjajna tekma, i dobra pobeda. :D  Odbrana neverovatno dobra, 7 poena nakon promasenog calla, naime, sudija je zaboravio na koju stranu treba da pokaze. :D Istina, Tate je pojeo Williamsa na TD pasu. 
S druge strane, napad je ubo ceo 1 td, jos omogucen fantomskim 5y call-om. Pozitivno je sto je McCarthy slomio Pitu i nos i bradu pocetkom drugog poluvremena, smekerski!
Mada, Dildo i drustvo verovatno tvrde da smo pokrali Hawkse, nisam jos citao temu, krijem se ceo jebeni dan od svake NFL related vesti. :lol:

i sjajna pomoc MVP-a over the top  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Offline waukesha

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #2032 on: September 26, 2012, 02:32:39 pm »
Pete Carroll: 'We all gotta move on' from controversy
If you were hoping Pete Carroll would somehow dismiss Monday night's victory, or admit his Seattle Seahawks didn't earn what came their way against the Green Bay Packers, think again.
In an NFL Network interview that aired Tuesday on "NFL Total Access," Carroll offered no apologies on how the game's final seconds played out in Seattle.
Asked by Lindsay Rhodes if Seahawks wide receiver Golden Tate really caught that ball, Carroll provided a response that could melt Cheesehead Nation.
"Yeah, and I think it's cool that the league thought that, too," he said. "It's very questionable, it's a very questionable call to make. But it's simultaneous when they hit the ground. Up in the air, it looked like the DB had the advantage, but when they got to the ground, it's a matched-up catch, and it's a very hard one to call.
"We were fortunate the call went our way. But you've got to say the league reviewed it and said they agreed with what was called on the field, they just missed the pass interference."
Carroll doesn't believe it's fair to write off the game's final play as controversial only because replacement officials were involved.
"I think that's real easy to go that way, but I think it would have been a difficult call no matter who is looking at it," he said. "We heard one of the officials in the booth look at it right after the game, and he agreed that the issue they had was they didn't handle it right in terms of talking and sharing it with the referee, but that it was a difficult call, and you have to rule if it's simultaneous and all that."
"If I was on the other side, I would be saying the same kind of stuff," Carroll added. "I would totally understand, although we all gotta move on, and that's what we're doing here."

 :palm: :palm: :palm:

Offline Polux

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #2033 on: September 26, 2012, 03:45:58 pm »
Jbt vi se ponasate kao da ste izgubili u SB  :palm:
Koja ste vi sekta ...
"Не бојим се од вражјег кота, нека га је ка на гори листа, но се бојим од зла домаћега..."

Offline waukesha

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #2034 on: September 26, 2012, 03:55:09 pm »
Jbt vi se ponasate kao da ste izgubili u SB  :palm:
Koja ste vi sekta ...
Pa gledaj, ova krađa može utjecati na ovogodišnji plasman. Jedina šansa da se plasiramo u PO je osvajanje divizije jer sa dva poraza u konferenciji teško da možemo u PO preko WC. A, uz to upitno je kako će momčad reagirati nakon svega. :hm:
Znači, jedan ovakav poraz direktno utječe na sezonu htjeo to netko priznati ili ne. ;)

Offline Marvin

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #2035 on: September 26, 2012, 03:58:23 pm »
Jbt vi se ponasate kao da ste izgubili u SB  :palm:
Koja ste vi sekta ...
Nismo navikli na poraze ko neki. :D
Mike McCarthy je idiot.

Offline starr

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #2036 on: September 26, 2012, 04:20:36 pm »
Pete Carroll: 'We all gotta move on' from controversy
If you were hoping Pete Carroll would somehow dismiss Monday night's victory, or admit his Seattle Seahawks didn't earn what came their way against the Green Bay Packers, think again.
In an NFL Network interview that aired Tuesday on "NFL Total Access," Carroll offered no apologies on how the game's final seconds played out in Seattle.
Asked by Lindsay Rhodes if Seahawks wide receiver Golden Tate really caught that ball, Carroll provided a response that could melt Cheesehead Nation.
"Yeah, and I think it's cool that the league thought that, too," he said. "It's very questionable, it's a very questionable call to make. But it's simultaneous when they hit the ground. Up in the air, it looked like the DB had the advantage, but when they got to the ground, it's a matched-up catch, and it's a very hard one to call.
"We were fortunate the call went our way. But you've got to say the league reviewed it and said they agreed with what was called on the field, they just missed the pass interference."
Carroll doesn't believe it's fair to write off the game's final play as controversial only because replacement officials were involved.
"I think that's real easy to go that way, but I think it would have been a difficult call no matter who is looking at it," he said. "We heard one of the officials in the booth look at it right after the game, and he agreed that the issue they had was they didn't handle it right in terms of talking and sharing it with the referee, but that it was a difficult call, and you have to rule if it's simultaneous and all that."
"If I was on the other side, I would be saying the same kind of stuff," Carroll added. "I would totally understand, although we all gotta move on, and that's what we're doing here."

 :palm: :palm: :palm:
Uglavnom se slažem sa tim što govori Carroll. Tačno je da on nema šta da se izvinjava, nije doneo odluku, nije vršio nikakav pritisak i slično. Teško mi je da se složim sa njegovim mišljenjem da je bilo simultano hvatanje ali šta da se radi.

Nije istina ono što kaže da se NFL slaže da je dobra odluka, u saopštenju se nisu izjasnili povodom toga nego su samo "objasnili" situaciju.

“Seattle quarterback Russell Wilson threw a pass into the end zone.  Several players, including Seattle wide receiver Golden Tate and Green Bay safety M.D. Jennings, jumped into the air in an attempt to catch the ball.

“While the ball is in the air, Tate can be seen shoving Green Bay cornerback Sam Shields to the ground.  This should have been a penalty for offensive pass interference, which would have ended the game.  It was not called and is not reviewable in instant replay.

“When the players hit the ground in the end zone, the officials determined that both Tate and Jennings had possession of the ball.  Under the rule for simultaneous catch, the ball belongs to Tate, the offensive player.  The result of the play was a touchdown.

“Replay Official Howard Slavin stopped the game for an instant replay review.  The aspects of the play that were reviewable included if the ball hit the ground and who had possession of the ball.  In the end zone, a ruling of a simultaneous catch is reviewable.  That is not the case in the field of play, only in the end zone.

“Referee Wayne Elliott determined that no indisputable visual evidence existed to overturn the call on the field, and as a result, the on-field ruling of touchdown stood.  The NFL Officiating Department reviewed the video today and supports the decision not to overturn the on-field ruling following the instant replay review.

“The result of the game is final.”
Da se NFL slaže sa odlukom to bi decidirano rekli, išli su linijom manjeg otpora da ne bi povećavali poviku na nove sudije.

Još jedna stvar oko koje se apsolutno slažem sa Carrollom je da ne treba reći da su nove sudije isključivi krivci. Mislim da je Herm Edwards rekao na ESPN da bi standardne sudije u 10 takvih situacija 10 puta donele pravilnu odluku. Ko tu koga zajebava? Da li je neko gledao neki meč prethodnih godina gde nije bilo povika na sudije? Sudije su ljudi, uvek su grešili i uvek će grešiti. Verujem da su nove HDTV tehnologije doprinele da se detalji sada vide mnogo jasnije pa ono što se ranije nije moglo primetiti kao greška sada izgleda jasno kao dan. Rešenje? Vratite nam TV tehnologiju iz sedamdesetih. :cackalica:

Mislim da najveći problem nije nedovoljno poznavanje pravila nego nedostatak poštovanja prema sudijama. Svi očekuju da će ovi da pogreše, znaju da su tu privremeno pa mogu lako da vrše pritisak. Logično je da će u takvim situacijama doći do više grešaka nego obično.

Offline Reignman

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #2037 on: September 26, 2012, 05:11:13 pm »
Pete Carroll: 'We all gotta move on' from controversy
If you were hoping Pete Carroll would somehow dismiss Monday night's victory, or admit his Seattle Seahawks didn't earn what came their way against the Green Bay Packers, think again.
In an NFL Network interview that aired Tuesday on "NFL Total Access," Carroll offered no apologies on how the game's final seconds played out in Seattle.
Asked by Lindsay Rhodes if Seahawks wide receiver Golden Tate really caught that ball, Carroll provided a response that could melt Cheesehead Nation.
"Yeah, and I think it's cool that the league thought that, too," he said. "It's very questionable, it's a very questionable call to make. But it's simultaneous when they hit the ground. Up in the air, it looked like the DB had the advantage, but when they got to the ground, it's a matched-up catch, and it's a very hard one to call.
"We were fortunate the call went our way. But you've got to say the league reviewed it and said they agreed with what was called on the field, they just missed the pass interference."
Carroll doesn't believe it's fair to write off the game's final play as controversial only because replacement officials were involved.
"I think that's real easy to go that way, but I think it would have been a difficult call no matter who is looking at it," he said. "We heard one of the officials in the booth look at it right after the game, and he agreed that the issue they had was they didn't handle it right in terms of talking and sharing it with the referee, but that it was a difficult call, and you have to rule if it's simultaneous and all that."
"If I was on the other side, I would be saying the same kind of stuff," Carroll added. "I would totally understand, although we all gotta move on, and that's what we're doing here."

 :palm: :palm: :palm:

Moving on... :D

Offline Foldingo

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #2038 on: September 26, 2012, 06:21:17 pm »
WR Tori Gurley

Kakav je ovaj bio u PS? Cini mi ste da ste ga hvalili ili se varam?  :hm:
“Winning is not a sometime thing, it is an all the time thing.” - Vince Lombardi

Offline marasin

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #2039 on: September 26, 2012, 06:46:14 pm »
Lepo covek kaze, ko ne moze da nastavi dalje nije za ovu igru. Jos ponarucito sto je pocetak sezone. A sudije su tako sudile tokom cele utakmice. Ili bolje reci nisu sudile posto pominju gomilu holdinga OL GB-a, DPI hand in face i kozna sta jos. Problem je samo sto je poslednja bila sudijina i to se pamti. Na zalost niko to vise ne moze da promeni. A i niste valjda ocekivali da se iko buni na pobedu.

Offline Iceman

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #2040 on: September 26, 2012, 06:53:47 pm »
Ne bunim se, bice zanimljiv America's game. :D
Pored odbrane koja nastavlja da iznenadjuje zacudila me je jos jedna stvar, da McCarthy trci na osmoricu u boxu u ociglednim situacijama. Sto puta je rekao da ovaj tim "ne trci uphill" ali je prekjucerasnju tekmu preokrenuo tom filozofijom. Da je Rodgers bio malo bolji u prvom poluvremenu, ne bi se postavljalo pitanje pobednika. Bilo je zanimljivo i gledati Rodgersa kako imitira Favretu u drugom poluvremenu. :D Da je Driver uhvatio onu loptu, to bi bio nas najlepsi drive u Rodgers eri. Mada i TD drajv je objasnio, ali kazna Chanceloru baca senku na to...

Offline marasin

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #2041 on: September 26, 2012, 07:12:59 pm »
I hand in face koji se desio na suprotnoj strani terena pri trcanju.
A za trcanje... Pa ubacili ste 3 TE, FB i RB, pa kako nebi uspesno trcali.  ;) Izvukli ste iz rukava nesto sto ste samo na treningu vezbali. Za to nismo imali insajderske informacije :P

Offline waukesha

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #2042 on: September 27, 2012, 07:32:53 pm »
Evo što glavni mafijaš ima za reći (da zatvorimo temu o MNF :D)

Kevin Seifert‏@espn_nfcnblog
Goodell pressed on if M.D. Jennings intercepted pass. He won't agree. "There are controversial calls and people see them differently."

Kevin Seifert‏@espn_nfcnblog
Goodell calls outrage over the final play "the beauty of sports and the beauty of officiating."
:palm: :bigfunny: :bigfunny:

Offline Nikša

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #2043 on: September 27, 2012, 07:56:43 pm »
just let it go

Offline waukesha

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #2044 on: September 27, 2012, 08:15:35 pm »
just let it go
Konačno jedna pametna od Nikše. :P

Offline Polux

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #2045 on: September 27, 2012, 08:37:12 pm »
Ne bi ja ovu kradju tako olako ispustao  :pablo:
"Не бојим се од вражјег кота, нека га је ка на гори листа, но се бојим од зла домаћега..."

Offline Reignman

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #2046 on: September 27, 2012, 08:51:58 pm »
Ne bi ja ovu kradju tako olako ispustao  :pablo:


Offline Sundjer Bob Kockalone

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #2047 on: September 27, 2012, 08:53:30 pm »
Ne bi ja ovu kradju tako olako ispustao  :pablo:

Nešto si brzo odustao od slučaja snimanja u SB STL-NEP. Ne pali čoveka.
Do kada ćemo morati da peremo ruke, zna li se šta?
Amerika, za razliku od Srbije, nema dovojan broj testova na korona virus.

Offline waukesha

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #2048 on: September 29, 2012, 08:31:28 am »
5-Step Visualization Technique to Help Packers Fans Get Over MNF Before Kickoff Against the Saints
By Aaron Nagler on Sep 28, 2012

1.First, visualize an electric teal mega-catapult attached to the peak of Mt. Rainier that is capable of launching, an infinite amount of times, the cloned bodies of replacement referee Lance Easley, Seahawks head coach Pete Carroll, and Seahawks wide receiver Golden Tate several miles out into the Pacific Ocean, where they are infinitely caught and ripped apart by furious, genetically-enhanced Great White Sharks.

2.With this fantasy running on a continuous loop in one quadrant of your imagination, now visualize an underground labyrinth through which Pete Carroll is forced to prance, much in the manner as he pranced down the sidelines following the touchdown call on Monday night, as he is chased by a cackling, spider-faced demon. Also: Pete Carroll is weeping, holding a lantern, and dressed as a Teletubby as this happens.

3.Next, re-imagine the final play of Monday night’s game, frame-by-frame, second-by-second. On top of this real-time visual re-imagining, slowly layer in the audio of Matt Hasselbeck saying, “We want the ball, and we’re going to score,” and also superimpose—very gradually—the video of Al Harris jumping a quick-out and taking the ball, raised up over his head, to the house. If you’d like, you can also include an animated mind-.gif of Mike Holmgren slowly folding forward in pain and disbelief as he witnesses this happening. You will be so distracted and delighted by this overtime playoff victory (again) in the upper-right-hand corner of your brain that you will not notice the shitshow going on in the lower-left-hand corner, where M.D. Jennings is intercepting a desperation pass that is inexplicably being called both a touchdown and an interception. Despite the obvious.

4.You are in Mordor, having just destroyed the ring, and you are trapped with your friend Samwise Gamgee on a large rock as a sea of lava slowly rises up around you. From the sky, a Giant Seahawk screeches and circles toward you, offering its help. Sam hands you a M20A1/A1B1 Bazooka and you fire a 90 mm M28A2 warhead directly into the beak of the Giant Seahawk, causing its entire head and torso to explode into a ball of blood and feathers and sending the remnants of its remaining, cauterized body directly into the sea of lava.

5.Finally, take a breath, close your eyes, and imagine that it is December 30th, 2012. It’s snowing outside, but you’ve already shoveled, and you’re inside, seated before a warm fire, wearing an extremely plush holiday sweater, sipping spiked eggnog, feeling warm and happy about your life, and watching Seattle conclude another wild, fun-filled, occasionally-satisfying 7-9 season.
You’re welcome.

Ako smo mi sekta, što su ovi sa Cheesehead TV? :lol:

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #2049 on: September 29, 2012, 12:20:25 pm »
Ma pusti, ove nedelje sam prestao da ih čitam, samo prelećem preko naslova. Ima ih bar desetak tamo i svi postavljaju po nekoliko tekstova na temu "how to let it go".

Offline tonyk

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #2050 on: September 29, 2012, 12:23:34 pm »
najbolje da se održi grupna seansa/terapija na stadionu, uz obavezno predstavljanje prisutnih

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #2051 on: September 29, 2012, 12:58:57 pm »
najbolje da se održi grupna seansa/terapija na stadionu, uz obavezno predstavljanje prisutnih
Koji bus ide do tamo?

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #2052 on: September 29, 2012, 04:04:22 pm »

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #2053 on: September 30, 2012, 01:04:20 pm »
Znaci treba da gledamo sta rade:
Bulaga (mora da otvara rupe za trcanje Bensona)
Perry, Walden i S protiv NO WR (pre svega Graham-a)
Nasi WR protiv NO secondary (ajde vise sa tim ispustenim loptama majku mu!)
MM i njegov play-calling (nemoj da mu treba poluvreme da se prilgodi)

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #2054 on: September 30, 2012, 01:17:48 pm »
Cekaj a sta je sa kradjom protiv Seahawksa  :D :D
Vernon Davis je jedna zena i nije sluzio vojsku

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #2055 on: September 30, 2012, 01:22:56 pm »
Cekaj a sta je sa kradjom protiv Seahawksa  :D :D
Sta ocete sada?Mi smo zrtvovani da se Kohuli vrati....E da nikada necemo priznati onaj TD!I Kosovo je Srbija!

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #2056 on: September 30, 2012, 01:36:05 pm »
Šampion Endzone III-B lige za 2015.godinu!
Šampion Vince Lombardi Keeper lige za 2019.godinu!
Šampion AllDef lige za 2021.godinu!
Šampion Dynasty NBA za 2022/23!

Offline Sundjer Bob Kockalone

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #2057 on: September 30, 2012, 02:17:04 pm »
Video bi ja da li bi ti pustio da je čikago tako izgubio.
Do kada ćemo morati da peremo ruke, zna li se šta?
Amerika, za razliku od Srbije, nema dovojan broj testova na korona virus.

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #2058 on: September 30, 2012, 04:08:42 pm »
Tada bi Obama proglasio rat protiv Seattla i preventivno bombardovao Aljasku  :zvizdanje:

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #2059 on: September 30, 2012, 04:28:32 pm »
Mi smo zrtvovani da se Kohuli vrati....

Lepo od vas, ali ne smemo zazmuriti na cinjenicu da se Hokuli ne bi vratio da su sudije iz lingerie lige u MNF pokrale Seahawkse, Raiderse, Jetse ili Bucse.  :yawn:

Znaci treba da gledamo sta rade:
Bulaga (mora da otvara rupe za trcanje Bensona)

Da li treba da gledamo Buljaku i dok dopusta 5 sackova u 1st qtr ili samo dok otvara rupe za Bensona?

Perry, Walden i S protiv NO WR (pre svega Graham-a)

Walden i Perry ce da cuvaju Colstona, Hendersona, Moorea, Grahama...?  :hm:

Šampion Endzone III-B lige za 2007.godinu!

Šampion Endzone III-B lige za 2021.godinu!

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #2060 on: September 30, 2012, 06:06:50 pm »
Lepo od vas, ali ne smemo zazmuriti na cinjenicu da se Hokuli ne bi vratio da su sudije iz lingerie lige u MNF pokrale Seahawkse, Raiderse, Jetse ili Bucse.  :yawn:

Nabrojao si najveće krševe od timova, čemu još i da im se ukrade nešto?
Lepo spavaj druže, dobri dečko naš
i dok gore sveće znaj da ima nas,
vernih istoj priči što stojimo u redu,
vidimo se uskoro u nekom nebeskom bendu

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #2061 on: September 30, 2012, 06:54:02 pm »
Pa dobro sto nas u krseve  :cry: :cry: :cry:

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #2062 on: September 30, 2012, 06:59:55 pm »
Znaci treba da gledamo sta rade:
Perry, Walden i S protiv NO WR (pre svega Graham-a)

Peri da cuva hvatace? AKo se t desi, dajte Kejpersu otkaz odmah. Decko je bio DE do pre 6 meseci ciji je jedini zadatak bio da vija protivnickog QB...

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #2063 on: September 30, 2012, 07:22:47 pm »
Što ste se uhvatili samo za Perryja, pa ni Walden neće da čuva nekog WR. Mislio je šta će generalno njih dvojica da urade i kako će safetyji protiv WR.

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Re: Frozen Tundra!!!
« Reply #2064 on: September 30, 2012, 10:08:35 pm »
Peri da cuva hvatace? AKo se t desi, dajte Kejpersu otkaz odmah. Decko je bio DE do pre 6 meseci ciji je jedini zadatak bio da vija protivnickog QB...
Pa nisam mislio da ih on juri...dobro trebalo je da odvojim...