Author Topic: KORONA virus #apocalypsenow  (Read 131302 times)

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Offline omiljeni

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Re: KORONA virus #apocalypsenow
« Reply #280 on: April 05, 2020, 12:48:21 am »
Ipak su izgleda i Bugari bolji od nas:

As of 24 March, there are 5 laboratories testing for COVID-19 in the country with a capacity of 300 tests per day. The total number of tests done by

March 26 was 6,454, with 264 confirmed cases and a rate of infection around 4.1%.[65]

On 27 March, the Ministry of Health announced that the country now has the capacity to process between 1,000 and 1,200 tests per day, at an estimated cost of BGN 930,000 (EUR 475,000) per month. Two additional methods of testing would be introduced at later stages of the pandemic - fluorescence immunochromatographic tests (up to 20,000 per day) and the so-called 'quick' tests (up to 40,000 per day). Major General Ventsislav Mutafchiyski called all three types "equally important", as the PCR ones provided reliable data, while the fluorescence tests could speed up the process before quick ones are applied to establish how many people have acquired immunity.[66] However, Mutafchiyski later added that rapid tests are considered "unreliable" and therefore mass screening would be "meaningless".[67]

Conversely, Prof. Radka Argirova, chairman of the National Expert Board in Virology at the Bulgarian Doctors' Union, urged increased rapid testing in order to discover asymptomatic cases, avoiding the chance of a future second peak and terminating the epidemic progression

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Offline starr

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Re: KORONA virus #apocalypsenow
« Reply #281 on: April 06, 2020, 04:02:10 pm »

Autor je elaborirao na temu u komentarima pa i to prenosim...

Ok, so there’s a lot that I wanted to touch on in this video that I didn’t really get the chance to. This video presents a more normalized view of neighborhood wet markets, which I think’s a solid starting point for discussion… but a lot of nuance was lost. So I’ll try my best to make it up here.

1.   There’s still a bit of a mystery surrounding the origins of COVID-19. While we now know that the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan wasn’t the ultimate source, if I was a betting man I’d still put my money on it originating somewhere within the farmed-wildlife-industry supply chain here (with maybe one long shot chip on ‘improper handling of waste material’ at the nearby coronavirus research station in Wuhan). But it took a decade for them to figure out where SARS came from, so I wouldn’t necessarily hold my breath. So for the purposes of this, let’s assume that it did indeed come from the farmed-wildlife industry here.

2.   Before we get down to brass tacks, it needs to be noted that in February the government banned basically the entirety of the farmed-wildlife industry. To us that’re living here in China, that’s old news. There was a lot of commotion about it on social media. There’s big red banners put up that we shouldn’t eat weird animals. If you look at the electric sign behind me at 3:30 one of the things that it’s communicating is that wild animals are a no-go. Again, this’s just some basic knowledge that a lot of people in the West that’re forming opinions about the issue seem to… not know. So there you go. Farmed wildlife is banned. So no more giant salamander, no more bamboo rat. C’est la guerre, but I think it had to be done.

3.   Now, a lot of people tend to dismiss that, and say ‘the Chinese government banned the wildlife trade after SARS’, but here it is again. But there’s a distinction. After SARS, the government banned the wildlife trade – this was (likely) due to the farmed-wildlife trade. Now, being upset that the farmed-wildlife industry was even a thing would be, I think, a relatively reasonable position to hold. If these media blowhards said “we demand an apology for the existence of farmed-wildlife, it was banned far too late”, I say ‘lol good luck’ (CCP ain’t big apologizers) but I wouldn’t view that as an outside of reality kind of demand. But the farmed-wildlife trade is an… interesting nut.

4.   Now, about actually eating wildlife. The Chinese diet is a lot more… diverse than the American diet when it comes to protein sources, that’s true. I remember once I asked a buddy of mine why he was moving back to Guangzhou after working a number of years in NYC, and he quickly retorted, “I don’t want to eat boneless, skinless, chicken breast my whole life”. That’s not entirely fair, but there’s an element of truth to that too. Hell, there’s some people I know in the USA that find chicken thigh to be too ‘gamey’. Here… stuff like rabbit, frog, snake, turtle, and goose are on the menu. I love food, so I personally find that diversity to be a good thing.

5.   But then you get all these fucks that go around social media referring to people in China as ‘the bat eaters’. Is bat a common menu item? No. Giant salamander? No. Other animals within the whole farmed-wildlife trade? No. You do get some daredevils, you do get some people that get some pleasure from eating very ‘different’ stuff. It exists, for sure. The GMM dudes eat some ‘exotic’ food, ditto with the Best Ever Food Review Show guy, same with Andrew Zimmern. The equivalents of those personalities also exist here – perhaps a bit moreso, but the difference would be mostly one of degree. But they’re not really the primary driver of the farmed-wildlife trade.

6.   To be frank, the biggest driver of the farmed-wildlife trade was TCM. Now, I have a… very highly developed opinion on the subject of traditional Chinese medicine. [opinion from someone that doesn’t know what they’re talking about] Put simply, I don’t ‘believe’ in it… but I believe it works, mostly because placebos work. And TCM appears to be a collection of all the factors that appear to maximize the placebo effect (e.g. expensive and rare placebos seem to be more effective than cheap ones, placebos are more effective if administered by an expert, placebos are much more effective if invasive like acupuncture… etc). And hey, if someone can actually get better from a placebo, that seems a lot better than drugs or surgery! [/opinion from someone that doesn’t know what they’re talking about] But there’s a cost there, because some – not all, but some – TCM uses some exotic animals in their tonics or whathaveyou. So farming the wild animals seemed to be a decent middle ground between the TCM practitioners that wanted their ingredients and the conservationists that were worried about endangered animals. Farm the animals, everyone gets what they want, until of course some novel zootonic disease arises…

7.   Of course, in China like in many cultures, the line between ‘food’ and ‘medicine’ can get a bit blurry.

8.   So now we get to the markets themselves. While some of what you see online about Chinese wet markets are forgeries, and most are certainly cut to maximize shock value… there definitely were some markets that sold live, farm-raised wild animals for consumption (whether for food or medicine). We’ve traveled, we’ve seen ‘em. They existed. It’d be lying to say otherwise. However, those kinds of markets are, by and large, special wholesale markets (sometimes under the umbrella of seafood markets) that sell to restaurants and such – NOT your normal, run-of-the-mill neighborhood wet market.

9.   The criticism of the normal run-of-the-mill wet markets generally fall under three categories: (1) they’re not refrigerated (2) they feel icky to a Westerner and (3) they carry live animals (mostly chicken and fish), killing and cleaning them on the spot for you. Let’s first agree to ignore complaint #2, yeah? Just because some sheltered little American snowflake like Tucker Carlson thinks a dead frog is weird doesn’t make it weird. Complaint #1 is more reality-based and anyone that living here knows that wet-markets in the late morning can uh… get a certain smell to them. That’s why most people go before 10am. That’s later than most English teachers with a DSLR wake up on weekends, which’s why you’ll see some less-than-informed expats also rag on wet markets.

10.   Complaint number three is the reality-based one. First off, we’ve killed chickens and fish on camera here before. If you eat meat, the process from animal --> meat shouldn’t give you any gross-out factor: if it does, you should honestly consider if vegetarianism might be a better lifestyle choice for you (seriously). But while there doesn’t seem to be any problem with doing this with fish, chickens are a tougher question. The bird flu pandemic (which started in either the US or Mexico, by the way), caused a lot of markets throughout Asia to question whether the practice of keeping live chickens at the market is a good idea. In Singapore, Hong Kong, most major cities in Mainland China (Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Beijing, etc etc)… that practice is now banned. The foodie in me was kinda disappointed when that happened (it’s nice to know you’re getting the freshest chicken)… and I’d personally rather see vendors just get proper protective equipment over a straight ban, but hey. I get it. That said, there’s still some markets in mainland China that keep live chickens, for sure (IIRC they can’t keep the chickens there overnight though, not sure what difference that makes).

11.   Lastly, I feel like now matter your political persuasions… it should be patently obvious that many of these politicians are pointing towards China to deflect blame. If the virus had been a quick moving one, if it swept around the world without much warning at a blink of an eye… then I could certainly understand some of the blame-game there. But here’s the way I look at things. If you sit there for months on end calling this whole thing “nothing more than a bad flu”? If you were shaking your head at the ‘overly authoritarian’ measures China is using to combat the virus? If after the entire city of Wuhan goes on lockdown you sit there for two months with your dick in your hands doing zilch to prepare? You lose your right to pass the buck.

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Re: KORONA virus #apocalypsenow
« Reply #282 on: April 06, 2020, 10:18:15 pm »
Ne možemo pobeći jedni od drugih ni kada je koronijalna olipmijada u pitanju

ipak smo ostavili ostatak SFRJ daleko u prasini... dobra vest da je u Finskoj jedan oziveo!

Offline Sundjer Bob Kockalone

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Re: KORONA virus #apocalypsenow
« Reply #283 on: April 07, 2020, 03:42:44 pm »
Kud dobra vest. Tamo su se pojavili zombiji izgleda, ili tuđini, obzirom na klimu.
Do kada ćemo morati da peremo ruke, zna li se šta?
Amerika, za razliku od Srbije, nema dovojan broj testova na korona virus.

Offline marasin

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Re: KORONA virus #apocalypsenow
« Reply #284 on: April 07, 2020, 03:57:55 pm »

Offline Sundjer Bob Kockalone

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Re: KORONA virus #apocalypsenow
« Reply #285 on: April 07, 2020, 04:38:45 pm »
Nama danas zabranili ulaz u zgradu jer se sumnja da jedna koleginica ima COVID-19. Ispostavilo se da se koleginica vratila sa bolovanja od 2 nedelje, a direktor ju je iz preventivnih razloga odmah poslao na testiranje. Od sutra normalno radimo. Videćemo da li ćemo ići na testiranje.
Do kada ćemo morati da peremo ruke, zna li se šta?
Amerika, za razliku od Srbije, nema dovojan broj testova na korona virus.

Offline starr

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Re: KORONA virus #apocalypsenow
« Reply #286 on: April 08, 2020, 12:33:00 am »
Nama danas zabranili ulaz u zgradu jer se sumnja da jedna koleginica ima COVID-19. Ispostavilo se da se koleginica vratila sa bolovanja od 2 nedelje, a direktor ju je iz preventivnih razloga odmah poslao na testiranje. Od sutra normalno radimo. Videćemo da li ćemo ići na testiranje.


Offline Sundjer Bob Kockalone

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Re: KORONA virus #apocalypsenow
« Reply #287 on: April 08, 2020, 09:59:48 am »
Kako ko. IT i finansije normalno, ostali redukovano. Inače, čuo sam da su juče dezinfikovali zgradu. Kolegama iz PIO rekli da ne dolaze danas na posao zbog bezbednosti, a kolege RFZO dolaze redovno. Verovatno imamo bolji genetski kod  :palm:. Ja na odmoru danas preventivno, videćemo za sledeće dane.
Do kada ćemo morati da peremo ruke, zna li se šta?
Amerika, za razliku od Srbije, nema dovojan broj testova na korona virus.

Offline zujo23

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Re: KORONA virus #apocalypsenow
« Reply #288 on: April 08, 2020, 02:54:16 pm »
Zaposleni u Skijalištima Srbije idu redovno svi na posao.

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Grakću gavrani -
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uvlačim glavu.

Majčina senka
preko cele sobe -
loži peć u mraku.

"Život nam uglavnom vraća ono što dajemo drugima" - Ivo Andrić

"We make living based on what we get, and we make a life based on what we give" - Winston Churchill

Offline Sundjer Bob Kockalone

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Re: KORONA virus #apocalypsenow
« Reply #289 on: April 09, 2020, 04:38:47 pm »
Danilo Vučić pozitivan na kovid-19
Alek Vučić sutra deli medisincku opremu u Nišu

Na stranu to što druga vest predstavlja najprizemniju političku kampanju. Ali, ima li nekoga u državi koji će da kaže: Aco, tvoj sin ima koronu, bio si u kontaktu sa njim, obavezan si da ideš u izolaciju 28 dana? Umesto toga, on će sutra da pravi miting :palm:
Do kada ćemo morati da peremo ruke, zna li se šta?
Amerika, za razliku od Srbije, nema dovojan broj testova na korona virus.

Offline omiljeni

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Re: KORONA virus #apocalypsenow
« Reply #290 on: April 09, 2020, 05:57:54 pm »
Ne bih u Nis otisao ni za karton vinjaka.
u BG ni za stelnu kravu.

Mi ovde gore u Vojvodini se odlicno drzimo. Jos samo da izdrzimo 2 predstojece nedelje intezivnog netestiranja i na konju smo

Šampion Endzone III-B lige za 2007.godinu!

Šampion Endzone III-B lige za 2021.godinu!

Offline Pablo

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Re: KORONA virus #apocalypsenow
« Reply #291 on: April 09, 2020, 07:06:38 pm »
Jos samo da izdrzimo 2 predstojece nedelje intezivnog netestiranja i na konju smo

Ne pratiš! Nama za 2 nedelje tek počinju ključne 2 nedelje i ako to preživimo za 2 najviše nedelje 3 nedelje dolazimo do situacije kada ćemo moći da za 2 nedelje očekujemo neki boljitak...sve je to lepo Nestoro objasnio...

LM, evo kako izgleda statistička služba u Francuskoj. Probude se volonteri studenti oko 2,3 po podne i kažu šta ćemo kako ćemo oćemo li da šljakamo ili da se navarimo i pikamo PS4, ma aj se navarimo kaže drugi, i tako negde oko pola sata do ponoći jedan svati da ništa nisu radili i kae e aj da šljakamo malo pomisliće ljudi da je korona gotova itako iz dana u dan i onda imaš cifre u fra:

02.04. - 2.116
03.04. - 23.060
04.04. - 7.788
05.04. - 2.886
06.04. - 5.171
07.04. - 11.059
08.04. - 3.881

Ne znam, meni ovo deluje skroz legitimno  :wall:

Offline starr

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Re: KORONA virus #apocalypsenow
« Reply #292 on: April 09, 2020, 07:58:13 pm »
To za treći april je zato što iz nekog razloga nisu vodili u evidenciji osobe u staračkim domovima pa su onda odjednom ubacili na spisak kao nove slučajeve ali i kao nove preminule.

France: on April 3 the French Government reported 17,827 additional cases and 532 additional deaths from nursing homes that had not been reported previously. On April 2, it had reported 884 additional deaths.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2020, 08:03:44 pm by starr »

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Re: KORONA virus #apocalypsenow
« Reply #293 on: April 10, 2020, 02:22:39 am »

ipak smo ostavili ostatak SFRJ daleko u prasini... dobra vest da je u Finskoj jedan oziveo!

Nije mi jasna ova razlika, a ne verujem da lažiraju brojeve...

Offline Sundjer Bob Kockalone

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Re: KORONA virus #apocalypsenow
« Reply #294 on: April 10, 2020, 09:36:33 am »
Šta mislite, hoće li za sledeći vikend odjednom da počne da slabi virus, kao što je onomad oslabio svinjski grip kada je umro parijarh Pavle?
Do kada ćemo morati da peremo ruke, zna li se šta?
Amerika, za razliku od Srbije, nema dovojan broj testova na korona virus.

Offline mardok

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Re: KORONA virus #apocalypsenow
« Reply #295 on: April 10, 2020, 10:52:15 am »
  počne da slabi virus, 

kada je umro

Hmmm....a jel smo probali sa prinosenjem zrtve?

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Re: KORONA virus #apocalypsenow
« Reply #296 on: April 10, 2020, 11:39:17 am »
Hmmm....a jel smo probali sa prinosenjem zrtve?

Prošli put je bio duhovni lider, možda da sada probamo sa liderom svega ostalog? :hm:

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Re: KORONA virus #apocalypsenow
« Reply #297 on: April 10, 2020, 12:22:19 pm »
Kakva bi to zrtva samo bila. Mozda bi jos dobili i nesto zauzvrat.

Offline Sundjer Bob Kockalone

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Re: KORONA virus #apocalypsenow
« Reply #298 on: April 10, 2020, 01:55:00 pm »
Nema šanse, vratili bi nam ga u roku od 14 dana. Još bi se posle hvalio kako je vaskrso.
Do kada ćemo morati da peremo ruke, zna li se šta?
Amerika, za razliku od Srbije, nema dovojan broj testova na korona virus.

Offline Sundjer Bob Kockalone

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Re: KORONA virus #apocalypsenow
« Reply #299 on: April 10, 2020, 02:04:34 pm »
Nestorović pokopao kradiklae za minut, gore nego opozicija za 8 godina. naguzio ih je usred pinka, da stvar bude još luđa :rofl:
premijerka: tako je, da ne bude sada da smo znali u februaru.
smeško: Ne, ne, mislim, nema razloga da se krije... :rofl:

Do kada ćemo morati da peremo ruke, zna li se šta?
Amerika, za razliku od Srbije, nema dovojan broj testova na korona virus.

Offline Pablo

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Re: KORONA virus #apocalypsenow
« Reply #300 on: April 10, 2020, 03:33:24 pm »
Šta mislite, hoće li za sledeći vikend odjednom da počne da slabi virus, kao što je onomad oslabio svinjski grip kada je umro parijarh Pavle?

Situacija me je potsetila na X-Files i virus koji se kontroliše preko daljinskog, kad Skiner umirao u bolnici...

Walter Skinner lies in a hospital bed, dying from a nanobot infection.

P.S. Od kada je Vulin posetio sveto mesto na Fruškoj Gori, požari ne prestaju da tinjaju. Sumnjam da su podmetnuti, pre mislim da se priroda sama čisti od otrova...

P.S2. Kreću braća Belorusi, očekujem snažan prodor na listi. Ako hoćete možemo i kladžu da pokrenemo, nije još kasno, naredne 2 nedelje su ključne...
« Last Edit: April 10, 2020, 03:35:55 pm by Pablo »

Offline mardok

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Re: KORONA virus #apocalypsenow
« Reply #301 on: April 10, 2020, 03:41:28 pm »
Nesto mi doslo malopre da preko razglasa pustim sirenu  iz Silent Hilla...

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Re: KORONA virus #apocalypsenow
« Reply #302 on: April 10, 2020, 04:15:27 pm »
Situacija me je potsetila na X-Files i virus koji se kontroliše preko daljinskog, kad Skiner umirao u bolnici...
a krycek ga pojacava na gore dole ;z

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Re: KORONA virus #apocalypsenow
« Reply #303 on: April 10, 2020, 04:33:41 pm »

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Re: KORONA virus #apocalypsenow
« Reply #304 on: April 10, 2020, 05:04:38 pm »

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Re: KORONA virus #apocalypsenow
« Reply #305 on: April 10, 2020, 07:40:28 pm »

Sve razlicite stvari.

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Re: KORONA virus #apocalypsenow
« Reply #306 on: April 10, 2020, 09:24:59 pm »
ovo je vise protiv piva nego protiv virusa

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Re: KORONA virus #apocalypsenow
« Reply #307 on: April 10, 2020, 09:25:35 pm »
Takođe ne zaboravite, samo jednogrbe kamile prenose virus, dvogrbe jašite do mile volje...

L.M. Betula o Koroni

Napokon neko stručan da nam se obrati  :D

Offline Sundjer Bob Kockalone

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Re: KORONA virus #apocalypsenow
« Reply #308 on: April 10, 2020, 11:30:51 pm »
Broj zveri nije 666, nego 616. Tu verziju biblije je prevodio neko sa megatrenda, pa se odomaćila brojka.
Do kada ćemo morati da peremo ruke, zna li se šta?
Amerika, za razliku od Srbije, nema dovojan broj testova na korona virus.

Offline Sundjer Bob Kockalone

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Re: KORONA virus #apocalypsenow
« Reply #309 on: April 11, 2020, 09:38:43 am »
Purgeri hoće da nas pobiju!
Stvarno nisu normalni. Pa dokle će da čekaju? Da li su oni uopšte čuli šta su rekli kineski eksperti?
Do kada ćemo morati da peremo ruke, zna li se šta?
Amerika, za razliku od Srbije, nema dovojan broj testova na korona virus.

Offline starr

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Re: KORONA virus #apocalypsenow
« Reply #310 on: April 11, 2020, 01:02:13 pm »
Zveri veruju da će nas bog spasiti

“Predlažam i da sve eparhije SPC organizuju litije, uz sve mere fizičkog distanciranja izmedju učesnika litije, kao veliki svenarodni izraz pokajanja i vapijući glas prema Bogu da nas zaštiti i spase od ove pošasti. Na ovaj način smo se toliko puta u našoj istoriji spasavali od zaraznih bolesti, najezde tuđinaca i elementarnih nepogoda, i smatram da je i sada taj čas da svu svoju nadu položimo na Boga”, naveo je Obradović u otovorenom pismu Sinodu SPC.

Njuzovci ne moraju ni da se muče, samo da iskopiraju ovo... :pop:

Offline Sundjer Bob Kockalone

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Re: KORONA virus #apocalypsenow
« Reply #311 on: April 11, 2020, 03:54:43 pm »
Okej, sledeći karantin ide od četvrtka u 17 do utorka u 5.
Do kada ćemo morati da peremo ruke, zna li se šta?
Amerika, za razliku od Srbije, nema dovojan broj testova na korona virus.

Offline Pablo

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Re: KORONA virus #apocalypsenow
« Reply #312 on: April 13, 2020, 06:24:28 pm »
Saint Pierre and Miquelon odoleva  :rock:

Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Coronavirus Cases:

Toniče kakva je situacija kod vas na ostrvu?

P.S. Šteta što se doktori na ovom forumu ne javljaju sa izveštajima iz prvih borbenih redova... mada je realno, na moje negativno iznenađenje, ovaj naš forum debelo zakazao za vreme korone, vidim isti ljudi svaki dan dolaze i ništa ne pišu, dođu, rašomonišu i odu i tako svaki dan po 10x  :wall:

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Re: KORONA virus #apocalypsenow
« Reply #313 on: April 13, 2020, 07:45:45 pm »
Ja i nemam neke precizne informacije oko znam da li je interesantno ali mi imamo više preloma sada nego po zimi. Ne znam šta se događa ali mi se ubismo od operacija, jbt, kao da normalno radno vreme a ne vanredna situacija.

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Re: KORONA virus #apocalypsenow
« Reply #314 on: April 13, 2020, 07:49:01 pm »
Ja i nemam neke precizne informacije oko znam da li je interesantno ali mi imamo više preloma sada nego po zimi. Ne znam šta se događa ali mi se ubismo od operacija, jbt, kao da normalno radno vreme a ne vanredna situacija.

Kakvi su lomovi? Stari ljudi se sapliću po stanovima ili mladi divljaju kada izađu napolje nakon policijskog časa?